
Jan 22, 2009

Booth Museum Day 2: Hardwood Paneling

"Down Home" - 8" x 10" - oil


It's Saturday morning in Cartersville, GA. In only a few hours the show will open and the fans will pour in. O.K. I honestly have no idea if there will be any "fan fair" or even a decent turnout. Ezra, Thomas, Alex and I walked about town and found a small diner for a Saturday brunch. Mmmm mmm them some good vittles. Afterwards we headed up to the exhibition where Thomas proceeded to touch up one of his paintings on the spot. This was truly a site to see. We ventured to the museum bookstore and some of the other exhibits and then headed back to the hotel.

Once I got back to my room I realized that I had an extra three hours until the show. What am I going to do with all of that time. Fortunately a Steven Seagal/Jean-Claude Van Damme marathon had just begun. Between Seagal going "Out for Justice" and ironing my clothes I was fairly busy. I wasn't trying to look like a million bucks but I wanted to at least look like a hundred dollars. Everyone kind of just spread out after entering the museum. Thomas had to tend to his adoring friends and family. I just wanted to find somewhere to sit. My heart races at every art event that I'm involved in. It's nerve racking and on top of that where is everyone...the show started minutes ago. It wasn't long before that room was packed. There was even a news crew from ABC's Atlanta affiliate. Soon people were asking me about my work and seemed genuinely interested. I couldn't believe how many people were drawn to my painting. The compliments came tumbling in but I remained grounded...somehow.

What's next? That's right, the panel discussion. As I'm walking to the auditorium, one of the docents gives me this wonderful hug and plants a big one right on my cheek while simultaneously walking with me. Well, the panel discussion seemed to go on forever but it's always like that when you're the last one in line to speak (alphabetical.) What could I possibly have to say? I can't remember what I said... it was all a blur...a wonderful blur. Maybe I blacked out...who knows. Anyway, the show itself was a total success and I was told that it was the biggest turnout that the museum has ever had for an exhibit.

The night ended with dinner at D Morgan's. Exquisite food but also good company. I was seated next to Rae Weimer and two wonderful couples who were also art collectors. Well, I spilled my guts as they wanted to know more about me. I never say the right thing at these events and just find myself flustered. I didn't want to talk to them as if I'm trying to sell them a timeshare so I just took it easy. The night started to wrap up just before dessert and some of us said our goodbyes at the restaurant and some when we got back to the hotel. It's rare to get this much talent together for one show but it sure would be nice to get the ol'gang back together someday.

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